Janette Page
mail_outline ReachingYourSpirits@gmail.com
Schedule a Session
$40 / 60 minutes

How will I meet my guides?

My sessions are interactive, between you and me, and our guides, if you are comfortable. That means that if you allow me, I can connect to your guides to help us in the process. There are steps and actions that are helpful, and sometimes necessary to develop and continue a safe and healthy connection with your Spirit Guides.

Setting an Intention

I always ask people to set an intention for the session, that expresses what they hope to achieve or accomplish. The intention may be a multi-step process, because working with Spirit Guides is not as simple as deciding it's something new to try, with no risk. But, I want people to be in charge of their process and goals as much as possible. I have additional resources to suggest that may be helpful, such as books, groups, and websites.